Decipher my data! Flu!
Help Dr Rob find if school absence data can detect flu peaks early.
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Category Archives: Mr Fleming’s LabLog
Interesting things happening over on the X-Y scattergraph
There seem to be some interesting things happening over on the X-Y scattergraph with a good correlation appearing in the school size graph. Whilst there seems to be little correlation occurring between any of the other variables and illness rates, … Continue reading
Missing data from one of the most important weeks of the year
Last flu season the project might have observed historic low levels of ‘flu but on the up side, I got a whole season free of illness. This time around it seems as if I’ve been ill with one thing or … Continue reading
Are there early patterns appearing?
The first half term is down and things are slowly warming up. Already we’ve fallen into what appears to be a similar pattern of background illness levels to last year after very low illness levels at the start of the … Continue reading
Consent form sent in finally
I’ve been so busy with all the usual business at the start of term I nearly forgot to return my consent form. The head was able to OK it on the spot. Now I just need to get it sent … Continue reading
The learning curve with the ‘flu project
Hi, I’m Declan. I’m a teacher who’s been involved with the ‘flu project from the start. I’m really interested in getting school students involved with current research and learning more about science from inside the process rather than just “How … Continue reading
Impressions of XY Scatter graph Analysis
I’ve just had an email from the DMD team to let me know that the XY scatter graphs are live and that I could have a play around and give my thoughts. The purpose of the XY scatter graphs is to … Continue reading

Impressions of Time Trend Analysis
Hello! After writing about my first impressions of the project in the previous blog, I’ve now been asked to write about how I found starting to use the site. I’ve found the few last bits of data to get my … Continue reading

First Impressions
Hello! I’m a teacher from the south of England and I’ll be taking part in Flu! I’ve been asked by the Decipher my Data! team to give my first impressions of the project. I’ve been told I have to post … Continue reading