Thank you for agreeing to take part in Flu! We’re delighted to have you and your school on board. Please complete our short post-registration survey to help us with this project.
Below are some instructions, which guide you through the next steps in the project, you can also download a copy of the Project Overview here.
1. Consent Form: brief headteacher and get consent form signed
2. School Profile: enter information about your school to analyse the data
3. Illness absence data: input your school’s absence data
4. Lesson One – What’s the data all about?: introduce the experiment and it’s context, and start learning about data variables
5. Lesson Two – Analysing the Data: using time trend graph and x/y scattergraph to analyse data and identify patterns. Students register and report their findings in Lab Logs
3. Lesson Three – Deciphering and reporting data: rate quality of correlations, discuss and report findings